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The Maldives hold the record of the lowest state in the world, with an average of just half a meter above sea level.

According to data provided by the UN Agency studying climate change, the Maldivian islands might be already partially submerged by water by the end of the century. It will be the first State in the world to disappear beneath the surface of the water. The 1200 coral islands that make up the archipelago are known for the beaches of their exclusive resorts and for the underwater activities of tourists who come here from all over the world for diving. In the photos taken for the “Diving Maldives" project we've projected a series of underwater slides taken by tourists, inside the houses and in the streets of different fishermen islands of the Maldivian archipelago. Portraits of Maldivian families and young people in their daily life and the projection of the sea on their future.

© Edoardo Delille, 2019. All rights reserved.

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